Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 3

Today was a rather exciting day, as N and R got to accompany Auntie and Uncle to the doctor's for an ultrasound. Why was this exciting? We got to find out the gender--it's a boy! :) R picked up the first magazine she saw and tried to read in Spanish....after the first few words, she realized the entire magazine was on depression! N found a motherhood magazine, in English and learned everything she needed to know and then some. :P Poor J ended up all alone at home...We totally forgot to leave him a key, so he ended up locked in with 10 deadbolts, so if there was a fire....well, lets hope he would find the sheets to heroically repel down the 8 stories....

Later that day R decided to bake cookies...although they taste wonderful, they are the strangest looking cookies she has ever seen. J compared the looks to cow something...Hmm, she has a little to learn with high altitude baking...

1 comment:

  1. That's how my chocolate chip cookies look a lot of the time!
